New Technology for Blind People Has the Media in a Frenzy

2019-12-16 | By Orcam Staff

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New Technology for Blind People Has the Media in a Frenzy - OrCam

There’s a revolutionary device that has recently been making its rounds on major national talk shows. This new technology for blind people is changing their lives for the better. The level of empowerment and daily independence achieved using this new technology device is life-changing. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the biggest talk shows in America have hosted some of its users to share their stories and inspire their millions of viewers.

Revolutionary Technology for Blind People

What makes OrCam MyEye 2 such a revolutionary device, is what blind and visually impaired people can achieve with it. Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, OrCam MyEye 2 is capable of the most advanced capabilities. Features include text reading from any printed or digital surface, barcode reading from shelf products and recognition of products and even money bills, facial and color recognition, Bluetooth connectivity and much more.

The device is wearable and attached to the side of most pairs of glasses. This leaves both of the user’s hand free while using the device. Activation of the device is done simply and intuitively using hand gestures. Leaving both hands free is essential in any technology for the blind. This way they can perform more activities or tasks on their own. In addition, no internet connectivity is required, making it available for use anywhere.

Social Media Star and Motivational Speaker

“Say your prayers, never give up, keep pushing.” These inspiring words are from a seven-year-old. She is not, however, your average little girl. Born nearly blind, Ar’Miah has faced challenges in her seven years that most people won’t face in their entire lifetime. Her contagious constant smile and positive attitude have become an inspiration to millions around the world. Using social media, Ar’Miah shares daily videos of encouragement and motivation. Ar’Miah is now able to use this advanced technology for blind people to improve her quality of life.

Blind Mother of Two, Holly Bonner Appears on Inside Edition

Holly Bonner Reading a Book to her Kids Using OrCam MyEye 2

Holly Bonner, a social worker and blogger living in Staten Island, New York, lost her sight in 2012. As a mother of two, she not only needs to increase her own independence, she needs to be able to take care of her daughters as well. Before OrCam MyEye 2, available technology for blind people would not have given her this kind of independence and enablement. Holly can now read to her children, read street signs, menus and read from her computer screen. She can identify products in the grocery store and at home. During her appearance in Inside Edition, she discussed the challenges she faces as a blind mother, and how she overcomes them on a daily basis.

Scotty Smiley on Dr. Phil

In 2005, US veteran Scotty Smiley was injured during active duty in Iraq. A car bombing left him nearly blind in both eyes. Losing his eyesight and independence was difficult for Scotty and his family. Scotty, a West Point graduate and combat officer, was not the type of person who couldn’t get things done himself. He had to adjust to a new way of life, a life with a disability. Once Scotty began his recovery process, it was clear that the use of assistive technologies would benefit him.

After researching online, his wife discovered a new technology for blind people, OrCam MyEye 2. It seemed to be the solution for Scotty. Featured on Dr. Phil, Scotty shared how his daily independence has increased while using the device. He can now read books to his children, get dressed on his own, shop independently, and more.

Dylan Lemaster on Steve Harvey

Dylan Lemaster is a middle school student from Cleveland. Born with severe vision impairment, Dylan struggled in school and at home. He constantly relied on his family to read for him and identify objects. When Dylan heard of this new technology for the blind, he knew it would be life-changing. When Dylan demonstrated text reading and money bill recognition with his OrCam MyEye 2 on the Steve Harvey Show, everyone was amazed. Steve Harvey even said, “That’s gotta be a game-changer!” Before being introduced to the new device, the crowd never thought people who are blind or visually impaired could perform these activities on their own.

Good Morning America

Twelve year old PierLuca has lived with congenital glaucoma his entire life. By the time he was four years old, he had already had six eye surgeries. PierLuca was hosted on Good Morning America earlier this year.  During the show, he was gifted with his very own OrCam MyEye 2 device. The show discussed how this revolutionary technology for blind people is enabling young students to become more independent in school and at home.

Fitzville Martin on the Doctors

Born with retinitis pigmentosa, Fitzville Martin has learned to live with his visual impairment. As a DJ and a business owner, there are many administrative tasks he needs to perform. Now that Fitz discovered this new technology for blind people, he can handle those tasks whenever he wants. Featured on The Doctors, he showed the viewers how he can achieve more in life with his OrCam MyEye 2 device.

Dan Parker on Steve Harvey

In 2012, Dan Parker, a drag race car driver, lost his sight in a race car accident. During his recovery process, Dan was looking for solutions to increase his independence. He was determined to be able to support himself and maintain a job. His dream job was to become a machine shop teacher. His vocational counselor told him of a new technology for the blind, OrCam MyEye 2. Using the device, Dan is able to recognize products in the shop, read text from bottles and cans (such as motor oil and lubricants), recognize colors and perform other shop related tasks on his own. Dan was hosted on the Steve Harvey show in 2018. Using his OrCam MyEye 2 device, Dan proposed to his now-wife Jennifer.

Blind Chef on Dr. Phil

When people think of a job that a blind or visually impaired person can perform, a chef or a cook is usually not one of them. That didn’t stop Mustafa, a 63-year-old chef with both cataracts and congenital glaucoma. During a routine eye examination, Mustafa heard from his ophthalmologist about a new technology for blind people that he should look into. Considering the fact that a chef needs to read recipes and ingredients, and from boxes or bottles, this was something Mustafa wanted to investigate. Now, with his OrCam MyEye 2 device, he can shop independently and read from any shelf product or package. In addition, he can read any recipe, online or printed, as he demonstrated on the Dr. Phil show.


To learn more about OrCam MyEye 2 and how this new technology for blind people is changing the lives of people who are blind and visually impaired around the world, please fill in the form below.