Hi all, 
Our latest feature, called "Super Admin", is designed to enhance the functionality of school accounts by allowing multiple users to login to the same school account. This feature enables schools to have a more streamlined and collaborative approach to managing their accounts. With Admin, key roles can access the system: school administrators, IT, teachers, students and their parents. School administrators have the highest level of access and can oversee various administrative tasks and settings. IT personnel can handle technical aspects and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. Teachers can utilize the system to manage their classrooms and have the option to add their students to the system. Students can access their analytical reports only if they have been invited to the system by a member of the school's team. Parents can view all the data about their students as well, but only if someone from the school team has invited them.

See below for the changes in Portal version 2.4.0: 

  1. Hierarchy for each school's account

  2. Logins for different roles + invite : admins, IT, teachers, students and parents

  3. Permissions

  4. Follow / Unfollow students

  5. How to open a school/district account, and how do I open a school account under a district account?

  6. Refactor - making the portal faster and stable than ever

  7. General behavior for the new Portal version

New updates

Hierarchy for each school's account

Until now, we have had no hierarchy in the system, which means all users were the same in terms of permissions.

We've added more layers to the system, showing different permission levels and roles using the OrCam Learn portal.

Here is a demonstration of it:

District with schools

School structure

How do I open a school/district account, and how do I open a school account under a district account?

Please follow the instructions on the presentation to understand how to open a SF account for each type of organization. For more questions you can ask .

How do I set a different contact in SF (Such as IT person) to send them invite to the portal? - In progress

  1. Go to the account SF card

  2. Choose the "Contact" option above

  3. Insert this contact details + Email

  4. Save

  5. Click on the "Invite" button inside this contact card to invite him to the system

Refactor - making the portal faster and more stable than ever

We undertook a significant code refactor to enhance the portal's performance and functionality. This overhaul involved streamlining and optimizing the existing codebase, which not only improved the portal's responsiveness but also made it more robust and scalable.

5 new roles in the portal: Admins, IT, teachers, students and parents

You can invite different roles into the system.

How to Add a New Person to the System:

  1. Navigate to the "Manage Members" page.

  2. Select the group you wish to add a new person to and grant them access to the system.

  3. Fill in the following information for the new person:

    1.   First and last name.

    2.    Email address.

6. Confirm by clicking the "Invite" button.


To Invite new members to the system, simply click on the "Invite" button on each role's group.

What about inviting students into the system?


For the student's group, the button functions as an "Add student" button, which will not invite the student but only create them in the system.

To invite the student to access their own data, simply click on the + button in the "Student's Dashboard Access" column to give them access to see only their data in the portal.

Make sure that the student's profile contains their email address in order to invite them to the system; if not, no invite will be sent to the student.

What about inviting parents into the system?


To invite a parent to access their child's data, simple click on the 3 dots icon and click on "Invite Parent" button in the student's group area on the relevant student's row. You can also click on the parent + button in the parent group to make them follow other students.


  1. Only Admins can invite admins or change other roles (IT\Teacher) to be Admin

  2. IT/Teacher can change both roles to be the other

  3. Student/Parent can't access and see the "Manage Members" page so they can't invite other people to the system

Follow / Unfollow students

Follow students means to have access to their analytical report.

  1. When you add the student to the system, you will automatically "Follow" them.

  2. When you want to "Follow" student in the system that you didn't add:

    1. simply go to your row in the "Manage Members" page

    2. Click on the black + Button.

    3. Select the students you wish to 'Follow' or 'Unfollow' by clicking the blue 'Follow' button to follow them or the white 'Following' button to unfollow them.

    4. You can see them now under your student's page in your student's list.


We change the "Connect WiFi" button position to be under the general settings dropdown.

  1. We changed the name of the "Add device" to "Activate device"

  2. We changed the text on the Connect to WiFi flow to make it more clear that this phase is just for connecting to WiFi and not for activation

We changed the UI for the login page

    1. Changed the log-in and sign-up page

    2. We added to the "I am a school" button explanation of what the user should do in order to access their schools' portal + Link to the sign-in page.


Hi all,  Our latest feature, called "Super Admin", is designed to enhance the functionality of school accounts by allowing multiple users to login to the same school account. This feature enables schools to have a more streamlined and collaborative approach to managing their accounts. With Admin, 5 key roles can access the system: school administrators, IT, teachers, students and their parents. School administrators have the highest level of access and can oversee various administrative tasks and settings. IT personnel can handle technical aspects and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. Teachers can utilize the system to manage their classrooms and have the option to add their students to the system. Students can access their analytical reports only if they have been invited to the system by a member of the school's team. Parents can view all the data about their students as well, but only if someone from the school team has invited them.

See below for the changes in Portal version 2.4.0: 

  1. Hierarchy for each school's account
  2. Logins for different roles + invite : admins, IT, teachers, students and parents
  3. Permissions
  4. Follow / Unfollow students
  5. How to open a school/district account, and how do I open a school account under a district account?
  6. Refactor - making the portal faster and stable than ever
  7. General behavior for the new Portal version

New updates

Hierarchy for each school's account

Until now, we have had no hierarchy in the system, which means all users were the same in terms of permissions.

We've added more layers to the system, showing different permission levels and roles using the OrCam Learn portal.

Here is a demonstration of it:

District with schools

School structure

How do I open a school/district account, and how do I open a school account under a district account?

Please follow the instructions on the  presentation  to understand how to open a SF account for each type of organization. For more questions you can ask .

How do I set a different contact in SF (Such as IT person) to send them invite to the portal? - In progress

  1. Go to the account SF card
  2. Choose the "Contact" option above
  3. Insert this contact details + Email
  4. Save
  5. Click on the "Invite" button inside this contact card to invite him to the system

Refactor - making the portal faster and more stable than ever

We undertook a significant code refactor to enhance the portal's performance and functionality. This overhaul involved streamlining and optimizing the existing codebase, which not only improved the portal's responsiveness but also made it more robust and scalable.

5 new roles in the portal: Admins, IT, teachers, students and parents

You can invite different roles into the system.

How to Add a New Person to the System:

  1. Navigate to the "Manage Members" page.
  2. Select the group you wish to add a new person to and grant them access to the system.
  3. Fill in the following information for the new person:
    1.   First and last name.
    2.    Email address.

6. Confirm by clicking the "Invite" button.


To Invite new members to the system, simply click on the "Invite" button on each role's group.

What about inviting students into the system?


For the student's group, the button functions as an "Add student" button, which will not invite the student but only create them in the system.

To invite the student to access their own data, simply click on the + button in the "Student's Dashboard Access" column to give them access to see only their data in the portal.

Make sure that the student's profile contains their email address in order to invite them to the system; if not, no invite will be sent to the student.

What about inviting parents into the system?


To invite a parent to access their child's data, simple click on the 3 dots icon and click on "Invite Parent" button in the student's group area on the relevant student's row. You can also click on the parent + button in the parent group to make them follow other students.


  1. Only Admins can invite admins or change other roles (IT\Teacher) to be Admin
  2. IT/Teacher can change both roles to be the other
  3. Student/Parent can't access and see the "Manage Members" page so they can't invite other people to the system

Follow / Unfollow students

Follow students means to have access to their analytical report.

  1. When you add the student to the system, you will automatically "Follow" them.
  2. When you want to "Follow" student in the system that you didn't add:
    1. simply go to your row in the "Manage Members" page
    2. Click on the black + Button.
    3. Select the students you wish to 'Follow' or 'Unfollow' by clicking the blue 'Follow' button to follow them or the white 'Following' button to unfollow them.
    4. You can see them now under your student's page in your student's list.


We change the "Connect WiFi" button position to be under the general settings dropdown.

  1. We changed the name of the "Add device" to "Activate device"
  2. We changed the text on the Connect to WiFi flow to make it more clear that this phase is just for connecting to WiFi and not for activation

We changed the UI for the login page

  1. Changed the log-in and sign-up page
  2. We added to the "I am a school" button explanation of what the user should do in order to access their schools' portal + Link to the sign-in page.
