World Diabetes Day: Everything You Must Know About It
2021-11-10 | By Orcam Staff
Did you know that diabetes is the most common cause of blindness in people aged 20 to 74? This year, and every year, on November 14th, World Diabetes Day is celebrated. The day was created by the International Diabetes Federation with the goal of raising awareness about diabetes and encouraging governments to improve care so it can be managed effectively.
The Summarized History of World Diabetes Day
In response to the worldwide epidemic of diabetes, the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization (WHO) established World Diabetes Day in 1991.
By 2016, the IDF had more than 230 member organizations in over 160 countries and territories, as well as other entities, businesses, healthcare providers, politicians, celebrities, and people living with diabetes and their families celebrating World Diabetes Day.
How Does Diabetes Affect Your Eyesight?
People who have diabetes may experience a variety of symptoms that are related to their eyesight. Diabetes can cause the person to become more susceptible to eye problems, such as glaucoma and cataracts. These conditions are often referred to as diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema. They are caused by changes in blood vessels or fluid accumulation in the retina respectively. Common symptoms of eye diseases include blurry vision, dry eyes, redness, pain or itchiness around the eyes. It can also be a sign of a more serious condition.
The Dangers of Diabetic Retinopathy: Vision Loss
Diabetes is one of the most threatening diseases in the world. Diabetes can be managed, but it cannot be cured. One of the problems that diabetes causes is diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy occurs when there are high levels of blood sugar in your body for a long time period. High levels of blood sugar cause damage to your eye’s retina and optic nerve, which may lead to blindness or vision loss. You should take care to avoid eating too much sugar so you don’t have any further complications with diabetic retinopathy!
World Diabetes Day: Awareness is Key
World Diabetes Day is coming up on November 14th. The goal of this day is to raise awareness for diabetes and the struggles people living with the disease face every single day.
To raise public awareness, the IDF came up with a new logo for diabetes. The blue circular logo is the worldwide symbol for diabetes, which was first used in 2006 to create a unifying term for the disease. The symbol for diabetes is an important message, but unfortunately, not everyone knows how to interpret it. You can share some pictures or blogs about it on your social media accounts to increase awareness.
#1 Fact: Diabetes causes blurry vision and cataracts
Diabetes is one of the most important diseases that can have a detrimental impact on your eye health. This is a genetic illness, and every person should examine his family history for this condition. If you have diabetes, your eyes may be damaged in the mid-term by retinopathy, which is the most common eye disease caused by diabetes.
#2 Fact: Diabetic retinopathy is a common eye complication for people with diabetes
The prevalence of diabetic retinopathy was 54.6 percent in individuals with Type 1 diabetes and 30.0 percent in people with Type 2 diabetes, according to the RNIB’s report. In other words, there is a significant likelihood that people with diabetes will have eye problems that result in vision loss. Unfortunately, environmental factors such as pollution and smoke have made this eye disease much more prevalent in those who have diabetes.
#3 Fact: Eating Healthy and Exercise Prevents Diabetic Complications
If you have diabetes, it’s critical to follow a balanced diet and exercise regularly. This can help avoid retinopathy. According to several studies and research, exercise and a healthy lifestyle are beneficial in preventing diabetes. Fruits, vegetables, oats, and nuts are the best kinds of organic food to consume. Fast food and many beverages, on the other hand, include a large number of calories, which may lead to diabetes.
#4 Fact: The American Diabetes Association estimates that diabetes has caused almost 1 million cases of vision loss
In today’s world, it is almost impossible to eat and drink organic products due to air pollution, the stress of daily life, and chemicals that are now almost everywhere. When all of these elements are taken together, it leads to diabetes in millions of people across the world. According to the American Diabetes Association, one million people worldwide have lost their eyesight as a consequence of diabetes.
#5 Fact: Assistive Technology Has Become a Life-Changer for People with Vision Loss
The use of technology changes our lives every day to improve and simplify them. Diabetic retinopathy patients are searching for new treatment and support for their eyesight loss. The development of assistive technology for the visually impaired and blind has been accelerating. Blind people are using new technologies to become more independent and complete tasks on their own.
OrCam MyEye: The Most Advanced Assistive Technology for the Blind and Visually Impaired
While there are several assistive technologies in use by persons who are blind or vision-impaired, the most cutting-edge and innovative ones are technology-based. The device that stands out above all of the others is the OrCam MyEye. It is a miniature, portable, lightweight, and wearable device about the size of a finger. It may be connected magnetically to any pair of glasses.
Additionally, the Smart Reading feature allows users to read exactly what they want to read or where they want to start reading. With Artificial Intelligence technology and a highly responsive design, Smart Reading is a new level of reading. You do not have to waste your time anymore! Just by using vocal commands, start to listen to the section you are interested in.