Why Using Smart Hearing Aids is Literally Life-Changing

2020-08-14 | By Orcam Staff

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Why Using Hearing Impaired Devices is Literally

In 2024, the world of assistive technology has witnessed a monumental shift with devices like OrCam Hear. These innovative hearing aids are not just devices; they are gateways to a new world for individuals with hearing impairments. By enhancing auditory clarity and reducing background noise, these devices empower users with improved communication, fostering deeper connections in both personal and professional spheres.

Emphasizing the significance of such technology, OrCam Hear exemplifies how advanced AI and machine learning can offer a tailored listening experience. This not only elevates the quality of interactions but also boosts confidence and independence, making every conversation more accessible and engaging.

As we navigate through a sound-filled world, the importance of inclusive technology like OrCam Hear has never been more pronounced. It's not just about hearing better; it's about experiencing life to its fullest potential.

According to the Cochlear Center for Hearing and Public Health, there is an estimated nearly 38 million people in the United States that are living with some level of hearing loss.


According to this survey, 14.3% of the general American population are considered to be people who are hard of hearing. Considering the fact that the population in the United States at the time of the survey was 309 million people, that means that more than 40 million people in the United States were living with a hearing impairment of one kind or another during the time of the survey.


For those who have a moderate to severe level of hearing loss, the use of hearing-impaired devices and tools enables them to improve their quality of life and increase their independence.

Life With A Hearing Impairment

Elderly woman holding hands with a younger woman

As you can probably imagine, life with hearing loss can be very different for one person than it is for another person. There are a number of variables that can determine just how different life with a hearing impairment can be for different people. Here are three of them which we consider to be the ones that can potentially make the biggest difference.


The first most influential variable that can make quite the difference is whether or not a person was born with hearing loss, or has developed it over time. Hearing-impaired individuals that were born that way have had more time to develop the necessary skill sets and methods of living with their condition. Whereas people who have developed hearing loss over time require learning a new way of life with a new condition.


Another important variable is a person’s age. It seems pretty reasonable that a child or a teenager will have a very different experience living with a hearing impairment than a mature adult or an elderly person would. In addition, these stages of life and their daily requirements are quite different. Children and teens must cope with their condition while attending elementary school and high school. In comparison, people who are older cope with it as employees at a workplace, as parents, or as people who are currently retired.


The third variable that can make a big difference, is who a person lives with. People who live alone might find it more challenging to live with a hearing impairment than people who live with family members or in an assisted living facility.


Regardless of which one of these variables applies to your case, or the person you are conducting this research for, one thing is certain. Hearing-impaired individuals can all benefit from the use of assistive technology devices in their day-to-day life.

What Are Assistive Technology Devices

Man in a wheelchair getting help from a man in a lab

During the past few decades, technology has slowly become an essential part of the lives of people with special needs, including people who are hearing impaired and hard of hearing. Once consumer technology devices became available for personal use, personal assistive technology devices started to become available as well. Hearing-impaired devices started to become more advanced, as more and more companies started to manufacture them and compete with each other to produce the best devices.


These days, the assistive technology category has become a well-known and properly developed category. There is, however, a lot of room for improvement and innovation, but then again, that can be said about every category where technology plays a part.


Almost every type of special needs has a variety of devices, tools, and gadgets that are tailored to meet the special needs of people who fit into that special needs category. Today, you can find a variety of available assistive technology devices that help people with mobility, walking, low vision, and even reading.


When it comes to devices for people who are hearing impaired, there is one new device, that provides a unique and unprecedented solution like no other.

OrCam Hear – The Most Unique Device for People Who Are Hearing Impaired

OrCam Hear

OrCam Hear is the newest addition to OrCam Technologie’s catalogue of assistive technology devices. OrCam Hear is lightweight, wearable, and portable. The most unique solution that the OrCam Hear provides is that it solves the Cocktail Party Effect in a way that no other device can.


The device uses a mini camera to analyze the user’s surroundings in order to determine which sounds to amplify and which sounds to cancel out. It does this by analyzing the mouth, lip, and chin movements of the people who are in front of the user.


There are two different modes that can help users get the most out of using this device. There is a “single-speaker” and a “multiple-speaker” mode that users can choose from. A user can switch from one mode to the other with a simple click of a button. Once the user chooses one of these modes, it helps the device know which sounds to cancel out so that the user can enjoy a conversation with one or multiple participants.


Hearing-impaired people can now use this device to attend any event with a large number of people in attendance, and with a high level of background noise, and still take part in any conversation.