Why is Technology so Important for Our Education?

2022-05-18 | By Orcam Staff

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Why is Technology so Important for Our Education? - OrCam Learn

Technology is taking over the world, but no one can deny its positive effect on our lives. With the use of technology, we can access all the information we need. Some may fear technology is addictive and can be destructive, taking children’s innocence, our independence and ruining the learning process for young students. 

Technology in the Classroom? Pros and Cons:

Tweens (children between the ages of 9 and 12) and teens spend an average of 6-9 hours every day on digital technology. This enormous time includes digital entertainment such as social media, online games, videos, and music and doesn’t include digital platforms and gadgets for school or homework assignments. This is why many parents and educators believe integrating technology into schools will only distract the students from studying and prevent them from developing the skills of independent learning. 

On the other hand, around 4 million households in the United States have no consistent access to computers or the internet. These children lack the opportunity to connect with the world, acquire information, and are unable to join remote learning or complete school tasks that require access to a computer and the internet. 


Last year when schools closed to keep children safe from Covid, students were asked to have constant access to online classes. Unfortunately, many families are not able to afford to give their children this advantage. Academically these students are left out. These children are more likely to have poor school performances, leading them to lose interest in school, drop out, and turn to crime and drug use. Without graduating, these children ruin their chances of attending college, gaining a profession, and improving their lives.

The benefits of technology in the classroom 

The school system did not change for over 100 years, yet, our lives changed dramatically. Phones, websites, and apps changed the way we live, learn, work, and more. How can a class with books be relevant when you can search for the answer online in less than a minute? 


We are not here to start a revolution but rather to tell you how important technology is in education, today more than ever. Technology offers many benefits for a different, more creative type of learning that all students can benefit from. 

Here are the main reasons implementing technology in the classroom will enrich your child’s learning experience and improve it: 

  1. Engagement. Technology offers the possibility to learn through games, videos, and illustrations with a click of a button. Students may be much more inclined to participate.
  2. Creativity. With endless possibilities online, children can use technology to find and discover more ways to express themselves differently. 
  3. Adjust to multiple learning styles. Instead of studying from a book, children learn how to study online and offline, by themselves or with others, and acquire information from websites, videos, and podcasts.
  4. Responsibility. Working in groups, finding information online, and managing projects and schedules make children more responsible and more resourceful.
  5. Ready for the future. In every job or career, the students may go into after school, technology will be needed. This important knowledge and skills will make a difference. 
  6. Involvement. With technology, children that find it harder to participate due to learning challenges can pay more attention and be part of the learning process. With the help of assistive technology like the OrCam Learn they can study more easily. 


Adapting to the exciting change can be challenging, but not embracing the positive power of technology in school will only hold us back. 


Give technology tools and assistive devices a chance, your student will appreciate the opportunity and thrive.

The Most Advanced Technology Tool For Students

The OrCam Learn is an assistive technology device that improves reading and comprehension skills. It is designed especially for students to create the best learning experience. 


Learn how to read, answer questions, study better for every test, and finish assignments more easily, with your new assistive listening device. No private lessons or endless tutoring is needed!


Read more about how the OrCam Learn can improve your studies.