How Vocational Rehabilitation Can Help You

2016-04-12 | By Orcam Staff

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How Vocational Rehabilitation Can Help You - OrCam

Vocational rehabilitation (VR) is a government-funded program set up to help people with disabilities overcome barriers to accessing, maintaining, or returning to employment or school. The VR agencies not only help their users with identifying the best methods and tools to improve their employment capabilities but are also able to assist with financing these tools.


For example, if an individual was injured on the job, the VR will go into his place of work to see if they can modify the conditions for him or if they need to work with him on finding a new field of work to go into.


School systems will refer students with disabilities to the VR and starting from age 15, the VR will work with them on setting goals and making plans for after graduation. VR works specifically with individuals who have a vocational goal- plan on working or going to school.


Having recognized the advantages the OrCam MyEye can have in the workplace and school, some Vocational Rehabilitation agencies have started working with OrCam and recommend OrCam MyEye to their users. Stan Mosser worked with the North Dakota VR for about 12 years before becoming an OrCam trainer. He now does OrCam training for people that have received the device through the VR in his area.


So far, the VR program has funded the OrCam MyEye for several students allowing them to have an easier time in college. One such student said, “I just can’t wrap my head around what the OrCam MyEye can do for me: it just speeds up everything I do- it’s like I can see again!”


John (named changed for privacy purposes), who received help from the VR, tributes his job to the OrCam MyEye. After receiving a potential job offer in South Dakota, John spoke with the VR about what he would need in order to be able to make the job work. The VR called Stan and after a demo and discussion, Stan said that the OrCam MyEye would be perfect for him. Stan trained John and soon after John moved to South Dakota and is now working at his new job and succeeding with the OrCam MyEye.


Vocational Rehabilitation is also known as the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) in certain states such as Oklahoma and California. Recently, the California DOR announced the approval of the OrCam MyEye now enabling qualified state residents to benefit from the OrCam. The approval of OrCam MyEye allows blind and visually impaired state residents who are engaged in or seeking educational and employment opportunities to apply for a fully-funded device. “We are honored to offer OrCam MyEye, our advanced assistive technology device, to California’s residents through our approved status with the Department of Rehabilitation,” said Rami Ben Yehuda, Senior Vice President of OrCam. “Empowering blind and visually impaired individuals through artificial vision is fully in line with the California DOR’s mission to provide services that assist people with disabilities to live independently, gain employment and achieve equality.”


The VR and DOR agencies have a high success rate of getting individuals back into the workforce or school. The problem is that many people are unaware that these agencies exists. Call your local VR or DOR  today to find out how you can receive help for the OrCam MyEye and regain your independence!