7 Great Activities for Blind Veterans

2022-06-02 | By Orcam Staff

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7 Great Activities for Blind Veterans - OrCam

Veterans need to stay active and participate in a wide range of activities that will help them lead rewarding, independent lives. Sometimes it takes a little creativity and extra effort, but many activities can be adapted for blind or visually impaired veterans. 

Blind Veterans Facts That Will Surprise You

There are about 130,000 Blind Veterans in the United States and more than a million who have low vision, according to the VA’s Office of Blind Rehabilitation Services. 


Staying active after retirement benefits your physical and mental health. It is time to discover some of your hidden skills, exciting hobbies, and talents that you might have or forgotten about. Activities and hobbies can also keep your cognitive function from aging and support you to stay mentally active compared to other older adults. 

Happy grandparents

We don’t have to wait for Veterans Day to say thank you and offer a bit of consolation and hope for the brave men and women who fought for this country. 


Here is our ultimate list of activities for blind or visually impaired veterans to help them keep a healthy lifestyle:

Blind Veterans can go Horseback Riding!

The horse arena is big and safe for all riders. With verbal cues from instructors, blind veterans can enjoy learning how to ride a horse. Horseback riding is also known to be therapeutic for its many physical and mental benefits such as reducing stress and improving core strength as well as balance and coordination.

Listening to Music

Everyone loves listening to music they love, however, did you know music has a positive effect on your mental state? Music can improve one’s mood, decrease pain and anxiety, improve conversation and even help you eat more healthily!

Listening to Music


Regular physical activity improves muscle strength and boosts endurance, controls weight, helps us sleep better, and improves our mood. Dance, swim or join a walking group to start getting into shape! Even a walk around the park with a guide dog can make a difference.

Playing With Pets

Every pet owner knows that having a pet brings joy and unconditional love to your life, but having a pet has many other benefits like reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Furthermore, pets, especially dogs and cats, ease loneliness, encourage exercise and playfulness and even improve your cardiovascular health.


With an organization system in place and a few assistive tools like the OrCam MyEye, cooking is possible for everyone, and it can be fun! Cooking at home is healthier, a money saver, and contributes to our self-confidence and coordination skills. Cooking also means eating in, so it can also bring the family together.

Grandma and granddaughter baking

Blind Veterans can Enjoy Games

Trivia, Braille Bingo, Monopoly, and Chess with tactile markings are all games for the blind. Playing games is an exercise for the brain, and is good for memory and boosting brain connectivity. When playing you practice fundamental cognitive skills, like decision making, strategic thinking, and problem-solving.

Reading Books

Many Books are available through audio for the blind, yet if you want to read any book the old-fashioned way, you can just use the OrCam MyEye, crack open a book, scan, and read! Reading is a great source of information, it broadens our horizons, opens our minds, and improves memory and focus. Last but not least, reading makes us live longer!

Veteran sitting down

There are many more great activities for blind or visually impaired veterans to keep them entertained and healthy, however, many can benefit from assistive technology such as the OrCam MyEye


As a veteran, if you are covered by the VA Health Coverage you might be eligible for a fully covered OrCam MyEye.


OrCam MyEye, a revolutionary voice-activated device, can instantly read text from a book, smartphone screen, or any other surface. The OrCam MyEye assistive technology recognizes faces, helps you shop on your own, work more efficiently, match your outfits by color and live a more independent life!