This Digital Hearing Amplifier is Crashing the Cocktail Party

2020-08-01 | By Orcam Staff

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This Digital Hearing Amplifier is Crashing the Cocktail Party - OrCam

Recognition of Prevalent Hearing Loss Challenges

As of 2024, the need to acknowledge and address hearing loss amongst the aging population remains a pressing issue. It's essential to consider that beyond the 38 million Americans who were living with some degree of hearing loss as identified in previous years, this number is projected to rise due to the aging baby boomer generation. As a result, innovative solutions and assistive technologies continue to be a focus for researchers and healthcare providers.

Technological Advancements in Hearing Aids

With technology advancing rapidly, digital hearing amplifiers have become far more sophisticated. Devices not only amplify sound but are also designed to integrate seamlessly with various digital tools and environments that have become integral to everyday life. This includes features like Bluetooth connectivity, rechargeable batteries, and more nuanced sound filtering to provide a natural listening experience.

The Evolution of OrCam Hear: A Leap into the Future of Hearing Aid Technology

OrCam Hear has evolved since its introduction, incorporating user feedback and the latest AI advancements. The device now boasts enhanced machine learning algorithms to distinguish sounds more accurately, thereby refining the user's auditory experience even further in crowded environments.

Greater Accessibility and User-Friendliness

An emphasis in 2024 is on accessibility. The latest models of digital hearing amplifiers, including OrCam Hear, are focusing on usability; from easier setup processes to voice-activated controls for those with dexterity challenges. Further, the training and onboarding process for new users has been simplified, enabling quicker adaptation and comfort with the devices.

Commitment to a Sustainable Future

As part of the commitment to sustainable practices, many digital hearing amplifier manufacturers are adopting eco-friendly materials and production methods. OrCam Hear and similar devices are now designed with recyclability in mind, and the companies are participating in take-back programs or offering incentives for recycling old hearing aids.

Before we dive into which party we are talking about, and why this digital hearing amplifier is crashing it, let’s first talk about who are the guests. According to John Hopkins Cochlear Center, there are roughly 38 million Americans living with some level of hearing loss, most of whom are above the age of sixty. This staggering number represents 14.3% of the total population in the United States.

Different Levels of Hearing Loss

A woman wearing headphones and listening to music

In order to fully understand the meaning behind the number of people who have loss of hearing, let’s first understand what kind of hearing loss they are experiencing in their lives. According to the largest survey on the number of people who have hearing impairment in recent years, there are ten million people in the US that have a hearing impairment, of which one million of them are reported to be completely deaf.


Many people with a low level of hearing loss go through their day without using hearing aids or digital hearing amplifiers of any kind. These are the type of people who feel like they don’t need any kind of device to help them amplify the sound of their surroundings for a variety of reasons. On the other hand, people with mild to severe hearing loss are more likely to use a hearing aid or a digital sound amplifier so that they can interact with their environment in an effective way.

What is A Digital Hearing Amplifier?

A microphone on a stage

There are certain levels of hearing loss where no device or solution can help. Any type of hearing aid or digital hearing amplifier requires the user to have at least some level of hearing capability. These devices use sound-amplifying technology to increase the sound volume in the user’s ear.


This assistive technology enables people with both mild and severe hearing loss to be able to have a more independent life. Using sound devices, people who are hard of hearing can interact in a better way with their surroundings in a variety of situations. It enables independent shopping by helping them to interact with store clerks and cashiers, and for buying over-the-counter items. They can also use their devices to interact with servers as they order food and beverages at restaurants and cafes. In addition, the aids help them with communicating with co-workers and customers at their workplace, and with family members and friends at home.

Say Hello to OrCam Hear

OrCam Hear

OrCam Hear is a revolutionary new class of digital hearing amplifiers available today. Using advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence, its pioneering technology solves a problem that no other device is capable of solving nearly as effectively. People who use hearing aids or sound amplifiers have a difficult time participating in conversations while attending social gatherings of varying sizes. The reason for this is that when there are loud, “competing” noise in the environment, it makes it difficult to hear the speakers, even with hearing aids. This phenomenon is known as the cocktail party effect.


OrCam Hear is a miniature, lightweight, wearable device. The device has a tiny smart camera that survey’s the user’s environment in order to help them participate in conversations with single or multiple participants. The device cancels out all of the noise that is surrounding the user except for the voice of the speaker(s) in the conversation in which the user is participating.


The camera monitors the movements of people’s lips, mouths, and even the movements of their chin, in order to properly assess who is having a conversation with the user. This way, the device focuses on the sound coming from the people speaking to the user and cancels out all of the other sounds in the area.


OrCam Hear is the ideal digital hearing amplifier for loud areas such as conventions and parties, and it can aslo be used to help people participate in conversations in quiet areas such as living rooms, parks, and so forth.

Expanding Global Reach and Support

Recognizing the global nature of hearing loss, manufacturers have expanded language support and international customer service. OrCam Hear is available in multiple languages and has regional support centers available to assist users across various time zones.

Continuous Endeavor for Quality of Life Improvement

The cocktail party effect remains a challenge, but with continued advancements and a focus on specialized technology like OrCam Hear, individuals with hearing loss can look forward to an improved quality of life. Acknowledging the dynamic nature of technological advancements, OrCam and other companies are more committed than ever to innovating and refining digital hearing aids in 2024 and beyond.