Spreading The Word About OrCam
2016-06-28 | By Orcam Staff

The spring has been a busy season for OrCam. In the past two months, we have opened new offices, exhibited and presented at events around the globe, and trained new staff members.
We are excited to announce that we officially launched the OrCam MyEye assistive technology device in Canada as well as opened our Toronto headquarters. Since our opening, we have hit the ground running. We jumped right into the Canadian waters by featuring OrCam MyEye at conferences and events throughout Canada, including Seeing Beyond the Horizon in Vancouver, British Columbia, The Lions Club Convention in Regina, Saskatchewan, the Accessibility Conference in Guelph, Ontario, and the CNIB Technology and Information Day in York, Ontario. We received an enthusiastic response from attendees throughout these events.
The Canadian media has taken interest in OrCam, with AMI-airing coverage of the assistive technology device in late June in Ottawa as well as Montreal.
OrCam is accredited by Health Canada and recently entered into a product assessment trial with the Canadian Federal Government. We are working closely with the Assisted Devices Assessment Team in Gatineau, Quebec to assess OrCam MyEye and determine possible distribution for employees throughout all departments in Canada.

To raise awareness in Canada, we held our first training session for new OrCam sales representatives and trainers. We are continuing to add Low Vision specialists offering OrCam devices in their practices.
Right across the border in the U.S., we exhibited at the National Association of Blind Merchants event in Chicago where we met with vendors with low vision who are interested in OrCam MyEye to help them become more independent in the workplace. We also exhibited and presented at the M-Enabling Summit in Washington, DC. OrCam was honored to be invited to the wearable technology panel where our representatives discussed and answered questions about the OrCam MyEye assistive technology device. We also had the opportunity to present at the United Nations Headquarters in New York for the 9th session of the Conference of States Parties to the CRPD.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the globe, our UK trainers attended Sight Village shows in Edinburgh and Glasgow where they provided private demos and were interviewed by the RNIB radio show. A few hundred miles away in Germany, we participated in the Sight City Frankfurt event. We hope to launch our German-language device in the coming months.
Just a few hours away (by plane) in Israel, OrCam took part in the country’s annual Blind Day by attending numerous events throughout the month and raising awareness about the blind and low vision community. Our Israeli trainers traveled throughout the country giving private demos and presenting at different conferences, including the 4th Annual Israel Ophthalmology Society Conference.
With new trainers in the field and new device features on the way, we are excited about the upcoming months. OrCam will be in Birmingham, UK, Florida, and Pittsburgh in the coming weeks. If you are going to be there, let us know. We would love to set up an appointment and meet you face to face!