New Year’s Eve Party Ideas: Top Tips for Blind And Visually Impaired Hosts

2022-12-27 | By Orcam Staff

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New Year's Eve Party Ideas: Top Tips for Blind And Visually Impaired Hosts - OrCam

Why We Love Every New Year’s Eve Party

The New Year’s Eve Party is the highlight of the holiday season, and some even look forward to this glamorous occasion more than Christmas. The shiny clothes, the drinks, the music, and most importantly the countdown… We can hardly wait! But how does one plan and execute the best party? One that all your friends will talk about for months, in the year to come. 

Champaign glasses

How to Host a New Year’s Eve Party at Home:

Every great party begins with the right amount of planning. You will want to think of everything in advance. Start with your budget, and then continue with a shopping list, to-do list, playlist, and guest list. It is also important to consider your guest’s needs. 


Being organized is key. Take out a calendar and mark important days leading up to the party. Save plenty of time for groceries shopping, cooking, and cleaning with a day in between for “emergencies”. Start tidying-up and getting everything ready well in advance of your guests arrival. That way when your guests arrive, you will be ready to be the perfect host


Accessibility counts. You will want to make your party as accessible as possible for all your guests and yourself. First, make sure the room is  well lit and spacious, and remove any unnecessary furniture. Address your guests by name on arrival and introduce them to the room. Print in large print the words “Entrance”, “Toilets”, etc. for guests with low vision, or those with an OrCam MyEye, to be able to navigate independently. 


Having good food is essential. Nobody turns down food and drinks, so if you have great recipes up your sleeve, this is the time to pull them out! You can always search online for “Best foods to bring good luck” and see funny ideas for food rumored to bring good luck such as long noodles or grapes. Lay the food on one specific table with colored plates and let your guests know what you prepared. For our bind cooking tips for the visually impaired click here.

party food

Ways to Make Your New Years’ Eve Party Special:

New year decorations are great, however, all great parties have a theme. Think about what you and your guests like, hobbies or interests. You don’t have to turn your whole house upside down to fit the theme, but the right music, relevant food, and drinks will do the trick. 

Special activities are a great way to add spirit to a party! Games, quizzes, trivia, or scavenger hunts are just some ideas to get your party going. Activities bring people together, and will make your guests feel included. Click here to check our list of the 10 best adapted games for the blind or visually impaired.

Top it all with New Year’s traditions! Being together on the last night of the year makes it particularly meaningful. Create a Vision Board, Make new year’s wishes and resolutions, or write down your predictions and hopes for the new year and let a dear friend hold on to yours. 

beer pong game

Get the Gift of Independence this New Year!

The new year is the perfect time for a fresh start. Start this new year with confidence: The OrCam MyEye is a small but mighty piece of technology that enables people who are blind and visually impaired to live more independently. 

With this assistive device, you will easily identify the colors of your New Year’s dress or outfits, recognize the faces of your guests, and be able to tell the difference between snacks and drinks. The smart OrCam MyEye device is now on a limited-time Christmas sale. Hurry up and order yours today. 

Happy New Year!