New Life Changing Equipment for Blind and Visually Impaired People

2019-11-20 | By Orcam Staff

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New Life Changing Equipment for Blind and Visually Impaired People - OrCam

Most people think that equipment for blind and visually impaired people is limited to a white cane and a pair of dark glasses. Bu those just happen to be the two most common and well-known items used by the blind and visually impaired. There are, however, many other types of equipment available for the blind and visually impaired. Varying from non-electric to advanced wearable technology.

Equipment for Blind and Visually Impaired People

There are many items that are categorized under equipment for blind and visually impaired people. Some are for safety such as smoke detectors, liquid level indicators, and even thermometers. Others are for accessibility such as holding bars attached to walls. Almost every living quarter with a blind or visually impaired person living there would benefit from these additions to the premises. These types of equipment can help prevent accidents or injuries for people who are blind or visually impaired. There are also daily living aids. These include specially made cutting boards and knives, utensils, can openers, and many others. These living aids help people who are blind or visually impaired to be able to perform more activities and chores independently, successfully, and safely.

Different Lifestyles

Group of People Near Buildings

Some blind and visually impaired people live in a basic and non-assistive living environment. Others might live in an environment with assistive equipment placed throughout the house. The main difference might be determined by whether or not blind or visually impaired person lives with their family or on their own. In general, people have different preferences and behaviors regarding house safety and hazard control. There are also people that simply want to live a life with as little assistive equipment as possible. This helps them feel that they are more capable and independent. For both those who prefer assistive equipment and those who don’t, there is one type of equipment that enables independence like no other. These are high-tech assistive devices.

High Tech Assistive Technology

Electronic hardware circuit board

There is almost no category of modern tools and equipment that has not been changed completely by new and advanced technology. This is true for daily living aids as well. The most advanced living aids are the ones that are technology-based. Using advanced technology, these devices can perform actions for their users that are beyond what regular living aids can. This is an entirely different type of category in equipment for blind and visually impaired people. One that can change the lives of their users substantially. As with regular consumer electronic devices and gadgets, there are some that are more advanced than others.

OrCam MyEye 2

MyEye 2 Tech Specs

OrCam MyEye 2 is without a doubt the most revolutionary equipment for blind and visually impaired people. It uses state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technology to perform a variety of essential everyday tasks. It improves the quality of life and creates more independence than any other assistive technology device. The device the size of a USB stick. Additionally, it’s lightweight and wearable and can be attached to almost any pair of glasses. It reads any text, both printed and digital and even recognize faces of family, friends, and co-workers. It allows people who are blind and visually impaired to shop completely on their own. This is possible by barcode recognition and text reading from any box or package. Additionally, it can even recognize money notes so that they can pay at the checkout counter with confidence.

A New Era for People With Disabilities

Four light bulbs next to each other

People who are blind or visually impaired can overcome many of life’s challenges. This can be done by using the right equipment for blind and visually impaired people. Old obstacles can become new opportunities with the proper assistive technology devices. Lack of vision is no longer an obstacle that prevents people from living their dreams and achieving success. For example, any blind or visually impaired student can now complete a bachelor’s and even a master’s degree using assistive technology devices. Career opportunities have opened up for blind and visually impaired people using assistive technology devices. People who are blind and visually impaired can now work as lawyers, doctors, professors, and more.