Going Home for the Holidays? 8 Holiday Travel Tips for Visually Impaired Passengers

2022-11-02 | By Orcam Staff

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8 Holiday Travel Tips for Visually Impaired Passengers

Going home for the holidays is a common thing. People all over the country travel back home to be with their families or friends and celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s together. It is a time to rejoice and be merry by the fire. However, getting back home at these particular times can be difficult and stressful. 


With long lines, crowded areas, and heavy traffic in mind, there are some people for whom this journey can be especially challenging or even unmanageable at this time of year. Among them, people who are blind or visually impaired may find this holiday journey more challenging than most. 


We at OrCam have prepared this accessible Holiday Travel Guide for our readers with low vision, to help them travel back home more easily. 

Our Top Holiday Travel Tips:

Plan Your Trip in Advance.
When embarking on a journey it is always important to be prepared, no matter your situation. Be smart, and have the details ready beforehand. Schedule the route, the ride, the fee, the tickets, and so on, to the last detail. 


Contact Your Airline.
As a Visually Impaired Passenger, you are eligible for Transportation Security Officer (TSO) escort, priority boarding, and assistance on the flight, locating or moving to and from your seat. Notify in advance so you will receive the care that you deserve. 


Look For Holiday Travel Insurance.
Unfortunately, accidents can happen to anyone, and it is sensible to think about how to deal with them before they even occur. Travel insurance can help when something goes wrong with your trip, ranging from lost baggage to flight delays and medical problems. 

Pack Smartly.
Organize the things you need according to the time you will be needing them. This way you will also know exactly what’s in your bags. Have all your essentials accessible, like tickets or reservations. Last, we recommend you make your luggage easy to identify so anyone will be able to assist you if it gets lost by any chance. 


Try Assistive Technology.
Today there are plenty of devices, tools, and apps that enable blind or visually impaired users to access information easily. The OrCam MyEye is one of the most advanced devices with the ability to read signs, fine print, and emails. Recognize money notes, people, barcodes, and much more. These pieces of technology will give you independence and confidence while traveling alone. 


Use a White Cane.
If you don’t already use a white cane, consider these advantages; A white cane is a universal sign identifying a visually impaired person. The cane allows users to check their surroundings for obstacles while walking, yet, also helpful for passersby to identify the user as blind or visually impaired and proceed with more care. When entering an unfamiliar environment this can be extremely helpful for you. 

A blind person using a White Cane

Be Prepared for an Emergency.
A portable charger, extra cash in your wallet and pocket, pain relievers, and a folder with all your travel documents printed in advance, can prevent a lot of time waste and pain. Pack a kit with all the essentials you need or think you might need because it is always better to be safe than sorry.


Be Safe and Patient.
During the holiday season, many are on holiday break and take this time to travel. This is why airports and bus stations are usually very crowded, the roads are jammed, and many people fill malls, shops, and tourist attractions. You must be careful, alert, and patient. Perhaps try to schedule your trip home a bit earlier to avoid some of the crowd. 

crowded airport

Assistive devices like our OrCam MyEye, are a great solution to navigate and manage on your own. You can read all about our OrCam MyEye in the link or see all the details in the video. Happy and safe holiday travels!