Employment for the blind and visually impaired
2018-05-10 | By Orcam Staff

There is a stereotype that those who are blind or visually impaired are limited to extremely specific kinds of work, or even not fit to work at all. With today’s advancements in treatments and technology, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Yet, that has not changed a dreadfully low employment rate of blind and visually impaired individuals, at 37%. There are measures in place to prevent discrimination, making it illegal for an employer to not hire someone because of blindness or visual impairment. However, it is not illegal if the employer does not hire said person due to determining that his/her impairment would prevent the job from being properly done. Employment for the blind and visually impaired can be very difficult, which begs the question; Are things improving?
Employment for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Different job industries provide different sets of challenges for those who are blind or visually impaired. That doesn’t mean they cannot work in such fields. According to a study conducted by the RNIB, the standard occupational classification of those who are blind and visually impaired in the UK ranged from managers and administration to skilled trade occupations and machine operatives. The majority of those in the study were in administrative and secretarial positions (25.6%). There is still a ways to go. However, with more accessibility being added to the world today through technology and innovation, more job sectors open wider and wider for those with disabilities.

There are many useful resources for those who are blind or visually impaired seeking employment. These sites have job listings, forums, advice, different tools, articles, and more. In general, finding work in today’s day and age is a challenge. Being blind or visually impaired adds a whole level of difficulty on top of it. Hopefully, these resources can be of assistance.
National Industries for the Blind
This organization focuses on improving the opportunities and independence of those who are blind or visually impaired by working with other non-profit agencies to produce a large offering of career opportunities.
US Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment
This federal agency works to increase success in the workplace for those with disabilities by promoting policies and coordinating with employers in government.
US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
The EEOC works to make sure that it is illegal to discriminate against job applicants based on the person’s race, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability, etc.
American Foundation for the Blind’s Job Listings
AFB is one of the top organizations that assists the blind and visually impaired. The AFB has an updated job listings page on their website, open to everyone, regardless of race, gender, religion, disability, etc.
Equal Opportunity Publications
Established in 1968, EOP publishes 7 magazines and maintains a resume database and an online job board. It also holds Career Expos geared towards those with disabilities. They work with agencies and corporations that are actively recruiting people with disabilities.
Able to Work
This organization’s mission is “to provide vocational skills training and educational advancement for youth, military veterans, and adults with disabilities and to assist them in finding employment and overcoming barriers to personal and financial self-sufficiency.”
There are many more great resources out there. This list is just a start. Have you used any of these resources in the past? Have you used one that isn’t on this list? Let us know in the comments section below!