Elevate Education: Supporting Children with Dyslexia

2023-05-09 | By Orcam Staff

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Unlocking Learning Potential: Effective Dyslexia Teaching Strategies

Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects reading and spelling skills, and it is estimated to affect 10-20% of the population. It is a neurobiological condition that impacts the way the brain processes language, making it difficult for individuals to decode and recognize words accurately.

For parents of elementary school-aged children, dyslexia can be a significant concern. Early detection and intervention are critical in helping children with dyslexia achieve academic success. Without proper support and resources, children with dyslexia may struggle in school and may experience negative impacts on their self-esteem and mental health.


In this article, we will provide information and resources to support parents of children with dyslexia. We will discuss dyslexia teaching strategies, dyslexia-friendly classroom accommodations, and available assistive technology tools. Our goal is to empower parents with the knowledge and tools they need to support their child's learning and development.

Dyslexia in Elementary School Children

Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects a child's ability to read, write, and spell. It is estimated that dyslexia affects around 10-15% of the population, making it one of the most common learning disabilities. It is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of dyslexia in elementary school children to ensure early detection and intervention.


Here are some common signs and symptoms to look out for:

  1. Difficulty with Phonemic Awareness Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear and identify individual sounds in words. Children with dyslexia may have difficulty with this skill, which can make it hard for them to recognize and decode words.

  2. Slow Reading Speed Children with dyslexia often read at a slower pace than their peers, as they have to spend more time decoding words. This can also lead to difficulty with comprehension and understanding what they have read.

  3. Struggles with Spelling Dyslexia can affect a child's ability to remember and apply spelling rules, leading to frequent spelling mistakes.

  4. Difficulty with Writing Children with dyslexia may struggle with written expression, including organizing their thoughts and conveying them coherently on paper.

It's important to recognize these signs early on, as early intervention can greatly improve outcomes for children with dyslexia. By identifying and addressing these difficulties, children with dyslexia can receive the support they need to succeed academically and beyond.


In the next section, we will explore some of the strategies and interventions that can be used to support children with dyslexia in the classroom.

Challenges for Parents of Children with Dyslexia

Parents of children with dyslexia often face numerous challenges that can have a significant impact on their daily lives. These challenges can include:

Difficulty in recognizing dyslexia: 

Dyslexia is often misdiagnosed or missed altogether, which can cause significant delays in obtaining appropriate support and intervention for the child.

Financial costs: 

Dyslexia assessments, tutoring, and assistive technology can be costly, making it challenging for many families to afford the necessary resources.

Academic and social struggles: 

Children with dyslexia may struggle academically and socially, which can be a source of stress and anxiety for both the child and their parents.

Emotional and psychological impact: 

The diagnosis of dyslexia can be emotionally and psychologically challenging for parents. They may feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and unsure of how to best support their child's needs.

Strategies for Supporting Children with Dyslexia at Home

Strategies for Supporting Children with Dyslexia at Home

As a parent, you play a critical role in supporting your child's learning and development, especially if they have dyslexia. By creating a supportive home environment and using effective teaching strategies, you can help your child build their skills and confidence.


Here are some practical tips and strategies for supporting your child with dyslexia at home:

  1. Read aloud to your child: Regular reading aloud can help improve your child's reading comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency. It also helps to build a love for reading and learning. Encourage your child to follow along with the text as you read aloud to help develop their tracking skills.

  2. Use multisensory techniques: Children with dyslexia often benefit from multisensory learning, which involves using multiple senses (such as sight, sound, and touch) to reinforce learning. For example, you can use letter tiles or sandpaper letters to help your child learn letter sounds.

  3. Break down tasks: Dyslexia can make it challenging for children to tackle large tasks or assignments. Break tasks down into smaller, manageable parts to make them less overwhelming. Celebrate small successes along the way to boost your child's confidence.

  4. Provide a quiet, distraction-free study area: Children with dyslexia may struggle to concentrate and focus in noisy or chaotic environments. Create a quiet, distraction-free study area for your child to work in, with minimal visual distractions and access to necessary resources such as pencils, paper, and a dictionary.

  5. Use assistive technology: Assistive technology can be a valuable tool for children with dyslexia. One example is OrCam Learn, a cutting-edge device that uses artificial intelligence to assist individuals with reading difficulties. OrCam Learn can provide real-time reading assistance, scanning text and reading it aloud, which can significantly enhance reading comprehension and boost their boost confidence and independence in and out of the classroom. 

Remember, every child with dyslexia is unique, and what works for one child may not work for another. By working closely with your child's teacher and staying attuned to their needs, you can develop a plan that works best for your child.

Resources for Parents of Children with Dyslexia

Parents of children with dyslexia can benefit greatly from the support and resources available to them. Here are some resources that can provide valuable assistance:

  1. Support groups and networks: Parents can connect with other parents of children with dyslexia through support groups and networks. These groups offer a supportive community where parents can share their experiences, concerns, and strategies for supporting their child. Many national and local organizations offer support groups and networks, such as the International Dyslexia Association, Learning Disabilities Association of America, and Decoding Dyslexia.

  2. Educational materials: Parents can access a variety of educational materials to support their child's learning at home. These materials may include reading and writing programs, assistive technology tools, and dyslexia-specific apps. Organizations such as Understood.org and Reading Rockets offer free resources and tools for parents.

  3. Professional support: Parents can seek professional support from educational specialists, such as dyslexia tutors, speech and language therapists, and educational psychologists. These professionals can offer individualized support and guidance for both the child and parents.

  4. Advocacy organizations: Parents can also connect with advocacy organizations that work to raise awareness about dyslexia and advocate for better support and resources for children with dyslexia. These organizations include the National Center for Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia Action, and Dyslexia International.

Utilizing these resources can help parents feel more informed, supported, and empowered in their journey of supporting their child with dyslexia.

Advocating for Your Child in School

Children with dyslexia face unique challenges in the classroom, and it is important for parents to advocate for their child's needs in the school environment. This section will provide some strategies for communicating with teachers and school administrators to ensure that your child's needs are being met.

Importance of Advocating for Your Child in School

Advocating for your child in school means ensuring that your child is receiving the support they need to succeed academically and emotionally. This can involve working with your child's teacher to develop an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan, which outlines the specific accommodations and modifications your child will need to succeed in the classroom. It can also involve advocating for assistive technology, such as audiobooks or speech-to-text software, that can help your child with dyslexia access learning materials more effectively.

Strategies for Communicating with Teachers and School Administrators

Open and effective communication with your child's teachers and school administrators is key to advocating for your child's needs in school. Here are some strategies for communicating effectively:

  1. Schedule a meeting with your child's teacher early in the school year to discuss your child's strengths, challenges, and specific learning needs. This can help the teacher better understand your child's needs and how to support them in the classroom.

  2. Be specific about your child's needs and the accommodations or modifications that have been effective in the past. Share any reports or evaluations that may be helpful in understanding your child's learning needs.

  3. Keep track of your child's progress and communicate regularly with the teacher about how your child is doing. Ask for regular updates and share any concerns you may have.

  4. Work with the teacher and school administrators to develop an IEP or 504 Plan that addresses your child's specific needs. Be sure to review and update the plan regularly to ensure that it is meeting your child's needs effectively.

  5. Be an active participant in your child's education. Attend parent-teacher conferences and school meetings, and stay informed about your child's progress and any changes to their learning plan.

By advocating for your child in school and communicating effectively with teachers and school administrators, you can help ensure that your child is receiving the support they need to succeed academically and emotionally.

Teaching Strategies:

There are many different teaching strategies that can be used to help children with dyslexia. The following strategies have been found to be effective:

  1. Multisensory Instruction: Multisensory instruction involves teaching with a combination of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic-tactile techniques. This approach can help children with dyslexia to connect sounds and letters in a more meaningful way.

  2. Phonics-Based Instruction: Phonics-based instruction focuses on teaching children the relationship between letters and sounds. This approach can help children with dyslexia to improve their reading skills by decoding words more accurately.

  3. Structured Literacy: Structured literacy instruction teaches the foundational skills of reading and writing in a systematic and explicit manner. This approach can help children with dyslexia to develop strong reading and writing skills.

  4. Assistive Technology: Assistive technology, such as text-to-speech software or speech-to-text software, can be helpful for children with dyslexia. These tools can help children to access written material and communicate their ideas more effectively.

  5. Positive Reinforcement: Positive reinforcement can be a powerful tool for encouraging children with dyslexia to continue to work hard and improve their skills. Praising children for their efforts and successes can help to build their confidence and motivate them to continue to learn.

It's important to note that every child with dyslexia is different and may respond differently to different teaching strategies. A dyslexia specialist or reading specialist can help to develop an individualized education plan that meets the specific needs of each child.


In conclusion, dyslexia is a common learning difficulty that affects many elementary school-aged children. Early detection and intervention are crucial for ensuring that children with dyslexia receive the support they need to succeed academically and emotionally. As a parent, it can be challenging to navigate this journey, but there are many strategies and resources available to support you and your child. By creating a supportive home environment, advocating for your child in school, and utilizing available resources, you can help your child thrive despite their dyslexia. Remember, you are not alone, and seeking support is a sign of strength.


"Dyslexia is not a pigeonhole to say you can’t do anything. It is an opportunity and a possibility to learn differently." - Alison Pask, British Dyslexia Association


"Every dyslexic is unique, and every dyslexic has a different set of strengths and weaknesses." - Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Group


"Dyslexia is not a disability, it’s a gift. It means that you have a unique way of seeing the world that others don’t." - Unknown


"Dyslexia is not a lack of ability, it’s a lack of access. With the right support and accommodations, people with dyslexia can achieve great things." - Unknown


"Dyslexia is not a curse, it’s a challenge. And challenges are meant to be overcome." - Linda Westphal, Author and Advocate for Dyslexia Awareness