9 Dyslexia Blogs to Join Now | For Parents & Teachers

2020-05-06 | By Orcam Staff

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Top 9 Dyslexia Blogs to Join Now | For Parents & Teachers - OrCam

While blogging about Fashion, Travel, and Food are always the most popular blog topics, writing a blog on dyslexia or reading difficulties has a decent audience. Since dyslexia or reading difficulties impact 10-15% of the population, people with dyslexia want to share their experiences with others parents, teachers, or dyslexic patients. These dyslexia blogs are aiming to help others, increasing dyslexia awareness, and being heard by others.

What are the most recommended dyslexia blogs and magazines?

Dyslexia blogs are not as popular as travel or fashion magazines, but they serve a good and specific purpose. While some of the blogs have posts written by dyslexic people, some of them present purely posts written by tutors and academic professionals. Medical doctors and tutors highly recommend following at least one or two blogs that will keep you informed and inspired all the time. On this list, you can find the most popular dyslexia blogs.

9) learningsuccessblog.com

Monthly Followers: 2K+
You will find: Practical Tips and Resources


Learning Success brings a different approach for learning, reading, writing, and speaking. Their method is not suitable only for people with dyslexia, but also for all children having learning difficulties. You can read more about this method and elevate your child’s learning.

8) learnfasthq.com

Monthly Followers: 5K+
You will find: Studying Techniques


Are you looking for learning techniques for your dyslexic child and like using free resources to assist his/her reading skill? LearnFast HQ presents hundreds of free resources for yourself or your child who has reading difficulties. Their podcast will enlighten you with deep knowledge, and reading their blogs will make your life much easier.

7) dyslexicadvantage.org

Monthly Followers: 7K+
You will find: Educational Material and Resources


Dyslexia is not an obstacle and can even be an advantage. This blog was founded by two experienced medical doctors and has grown in a short period of time. For teachers, there are many educational articles, educational resources, and free tests. They also offer membership to access all their articles.

6) pridereadingprogram.com

Monthly Followers: 18K+
You will find: Educational Material and Resources


Pride Reading Program was developed by educators to help children with reading difficulties and mostly dyslexia. While learning more about dyslexia, you can take a look at this new method. They are providing this program for parents and educators.

5) homeschoolingwithdyslexia.com

Monthly Followers: 20K+
You will find: Practical Tips and Resources


You may prefer to educate your dyslexic children at home, as homeschooling is a new trend in general. Here you can find helpful books, parenting courses, and mentoring lectures for your children.

4) dyslexia.uk.net

Monthly Followers: 21K+
You will find: Educational Articles and Resources


This dyslexia association in the United Kingdom shares educational resources and helpful tips to educate children with dyslexia. While they are offering different services for free, they provide dyslexia services for children and adults.

3) smartkidswithld.org

Monthly Followers: 28K+
You will find: Practical Tips and Community

smart kids.com

The Smart Kids is a popular blog for children with learning disabilities. If you are a parent or a private tutor, this blog will provide you with many tips and resources. While reading many educational articles, you will find a friendly community to share your experiences. Additionally, you can ask for help and work with other educators.

2) teachingmadepractical.com

Monthly Followers: 43K+
You will find: Teaching Tips


If you are a teacher and do not have enough experience or time to prepare reading activities for your students, you will love this blog. Kalena Baker is a professional educator specializing in students with reading disabilities.

1) dyslexia-reading-well.com

Monthly Followers: 50K+
You will find: Practical Tips and Resources


A father who tries his best for a dyslexic stepson could not find a permanent solution. Michael Bates started his blog in 2013 and continues to share his experiences. You can find many articles explaining dyslexia and what are possible coping methods.

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What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a common learning difficulty that causes problems with reading, writing, and spelling. However, being dyslexic is not a sign of intelligence or IQ problems. Sometimes it is the opposite, as many geniuses and famous people have dyslexia. In most cases, teachers at primary school are the first to witness reading difficulties in the classroom,  starting a new challenge for the parents. Dyslexia, unfortunately, is the most common reading difficulty among society as a whole, and there is no absolute cure for this lifelong condition.

OrCam Read_Dyslexia

Why should you follow Dyslexia blogs?

Even though there are different types of dyslexia, people have very similar everyday problems, feelings, worries about life, and treatment options. Dyslexia blogs are a treasure for a dyslexic person or their parents to understand this condition and they help to remove obstacles for better quality of life. When you start to follow dyslexia blogs, you will have the latest information about treatments, methods, and other related news. Besides finding many educational materials, you will create a strong bond with the writer or other parents going through similar experiences. In summary, the benefits of following dyslexia blogs include but are not limited to:

  • Feeling less desperate and knowing you are not alone
  • Learning from others and increasing the quality of life
  • Increased motivation and communication with others

What is Blogging?

Blogging started with the development of the internet around the world. Each home started connecting to the internet and tracking daily news live. People used this opportunity to move their ideas, and opinions from old-school papers to digital platforms. All you have to do is choose a domain name, create your simple website, and start to write your own blog. It is effortless and very effective (if done correctly) to reach big audiences.


As a result, today there are more than 600 million blogs. In other words, one out of every thirteen people in the world has a blog. Not only that, each month in the United States, more than 30 million blog posts are published.