Adjusting to A Life With Central Vision Loss Using Technology

2020-08-04 | By Orcam Staff

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Adjusting to A Life With Central Vision Loss Using Technology - OrCam

Life is full of changes, and we constantly find ourselves adjusting to new realities. When it comes to adjusting to new medical eye-related conditions, there are a number of different life-changing tools and devices to consider using to help a person cope with central vision loss.

What Are The Main Causes of Central Vision Loss?

There are a variety of reasons why people experience central vision loss. The most common ones are eye disease-related. Many people who are diagnosed with central vision loss are also diagnosed with macular degeneration, cataracts, or diabetic retinopathy.


There are other types of eye diseases that can cause vision loss, but these three are the most common ones. The second most common reason for vision loss is age-related vision loss. In some cases, it can even be an age-related eye disease, which is a combination of both of the most common reasons for people to go through vision loss. Whatever the reason for vision loss is, it requires an adjustment to a whole new lifestyle, and relearning how to independently perform daily living activities.

Will It Stay The Same?

Woman getting a pair of glasses at the optometry clinic

Since every person has a different medical history and condition, it is extremely important to consult with an eye doctor to get an evaluation of whether or not the level of vision loss is expected to change. In some cases, the loss of central vision can extend into peripheral vision loss as well. As you can imagine, it is nearly impossible to provide an accurate forecast of if, how, and when a person’s condition will change.


Many eye diseases will continue cause a person’s central vision to deteriorate, unless they receive proper medical treatment. There are a number of different scenarios that can occur following eye disease treatment. In some cases, the level of vision loss will decrease, and in other cases, it will increase, and it might even stay the same.

What Can You Do About It?

There are a number of ways to help people with vision loss cope with their new condition. Most people start off with putting labels on various objects, buttons, and appliances with tactile symbols so that people with vision loss will be able to properly identify them with touch.


The problem with this type of method is that the person with vision loss will only be able to develop a sense of independence in a surrounding that was already prepared for them in advance. Once they are in an environment where tactile symbols have not been implemented for them, they will have a significantly lower level of independence.


That is why the best solution is one where the person with vision loss can use anywhere they go. One which does not require preparing the surroundings for them before they arrive. The only type of solution that meets these criteria are technological tools and gadgets for people with low vision.

What Are The Available Technological Solutions?

OrCam MyEye device attached to a pair of glasses

Assistive technology for people with low vision is a category that has existed for a few decades now. The first generation of tools and gadgets were the handheld magnifiers and screen readers. These days, low vision devices that can help people with central vision loss are far more advanced.


The most advanced assistive technology device for people with low vision is OrCam MyEye. This miniature, lightweight, and portable device was developed using the most advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies available today.

How does It Help With Daily Independence?

The first thing you should know about OrCam MyEye is that it provides information to its users via an audio description. The sound is transmitted from a small speaker on the side of the device, and the volume can be adjusted according to the user’s preferences. There is also an option to pair Bluetooth enabled earphones for a more private sound experience.


The device can magnetically attach to any pair of eyeglasses so that users can use it and have both hands completely free while using the device. OrCam MyEye works offline and does not require an internet connection. This means that users can use it anywhere they need to, whether they have an available internet connection or not.


The device uses a mini camera that is placed at the front of the device to collect visual data about the user’s surroundings. Users can activate the device through voice commands and by pushing buttons. OrCam devices are so easy to use that its tens of thousands of users range between the ages of six up to one hundred years old.

Features Overview

OrCam MyEye will instantly read text from any printed or a digital surface. There is even a “Smart Reading” feature, that allows users to ask the device to read specific information to them. Facial recognition will help users recognize their friends, family members, and even co-workers when they are wearing the device.


Shopping independently is another activity that OrCam users can enjoy. The device will recognize bar codes of shelf products, identify money notes, and even recognize colors. A new orientation feature tells the user what is in front of him, including doorways, chairs, cups, and more.