Accessibility for the Blind Activist Joins OrCam's Global Initiative

2020-09-09 | By Orcam Staff

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Accessibility for the Blind Activist Joins OrCam's Global Initiative

Caroline Pilastre is a well-known French radio and TV panelist. Caroline is also visually impaired. When it comes to the inclusion of people with disabilities and accessibility for the blind, Caroline is the voice of the people. She Promotes equality for people with disabilities in employment and accessibility in public areas. For a part of society that has difficulties in making its own voice heard, Caroline gets their message out loud and clear.

Caroline’s Activism for People With Special Needs

Since France is a part of the European Union, the benefits and rights available to people with low vision are according to the EU’s policy on the matter. Regardless of the available benefits, life for people with disabilities is not easy. Caroline uses her debating and public speaking capabilities to promote awareness for people with disabilities as well as accessibility for the blind. Whenever a person with disabilities is treated with any kind of discrimination, Caroline is there to advocate for them and bring their story to the public and the government’s attention.

In 2018, a blind woman from Eguilles was refused entrance to a restaurant with her guide dog. Caroline took the story to the main media networks and spoke on TV shows and radio channels about the incident. For the woman who was discriminated against, and the rest of the visually impaired community in France, there is no one who will represent them and bring their fight for inclusion to the publics’ attention. That is where Caroline comes in.

Accessibility for the Blind Through Technology

One of the issues that Caroline is actively addressing is technology accessibility for people with disabilities. Over the past decades, humanity is becoming more and more reliable on technology. Entertainment, services, transportation, and most information is all digitized. In order to order food, make appointments, and receive public transportation schedules, access to the internet through digital devices is necessary.

For people with disabilities, accessibility to the internet is not so simple. Most companies that manufacture smartphones, tablets, and computers, do not provide devices that are accessible to people with disabilities. However, there is one company that supports accessibility for the blind in all of its products. By enabling people with low vision to use the internet and the information and services available on the web by using a new and revolutionary device.

Assistive Technology for the Blind

OrCam Technologies is an assistive technologies innovative company that has revolutionized the way people with low vision can live their lives. When it comes to technology, the main obstacle for people with low vision is the option of reading the text displayed on the screens. OrCam MyEye is the world’s most advanced assistive technology device for people with low vision. It enables accessibility for the blind by providing features in its devices that can read text instantly from any digital device or printed text. It can even do so without an internet connection. It allows users to attach the portable mini device to any pair of glasses so they can wear the device at work, at home, or during errands. It can also recognize faces, barcodes, colors, money bills and more.

OrCam has recently announced its #OrCam_DreamTeam. A team of people with low vision focusing on helping to empower people with low vision around the world. Caroline became a member of the #OrCam_DreamTeam in Barcelona with the rest of the #OrCam_DreamTeam. During her visit to Spain Caroline met with Leo Messi, who congratulated her on her activity for people with disabilities. Caroline and the rest of the #OrCam_DreamTeam are now using the OrCam MyEye device to help them increase their daily independence and improve their quality of life.